sexta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2011

Acabou a brincadeira (the fun is over) - :(

Portugues: Hoje foi o ultimo dia decolando de LEM, e todos fizeram um voo na direcao de Formosa. O dia comecou fraco e tivemos que motorar durante o inicio do voo, depois desligamos e voamos O Sinus por 240km "no pano" ateh a fazenda do Egon, ao lado de Formosa. Amanha comeca a volta para o Rio, se a metereologia permitir!
English: Today was the last take-off from LEM. Everyone flew in the direction of Formosa (close to Brasilia) - the start of the flight was weak and we had to use the engine several times - later on we were able to shut it down and fly the Sinus for 240km using only thermals! We landed at Egon's farm and tomorrow I leave for Rio if the metereology helps!

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